
メドベッド 20211031テレグラム Q&A June 10th 2021



Q: あなたのビデオの 1 つで、ワクチンを接種した人には医療用ベッドは効果がないと述べていました。 

スカイ: この問題に関してはさまざまな意見があります。 

Q: 私たちの中には、地元コミュニティの人々を癒すためにこのテクノロジーを購入したいと考えている人がいます。 

スカイ: まず人々が理解する必要があるのは、医療用ベッドは非常に高度な医療技術であるということです。 
医学的なトレーニングを受けていない人の場合、少なくとも 12 ~ 18 か月のトレーニングが必要になります。 

Q: スカイさん、ありがとう。 
ここには深刻な病気を患っている人がたくさんいますが、脳腫瘍を 2 つ抱えている私もその中に含まれています。 

スカイ: トリアージベースで使用されるため、しばらくの間購入することはできません。


Q: サイモン・パークスと協力している人を知っていますが、
彼らは 7 月か 8 月にカリフォルニアとフロリダで最初の医療用ベッドを導入する予定です。 これを聞いたことがありますか?

スカイ: はい、どの国でも設置が進められています。

Q: どのようなタイプの医療従事者が必要ですか? 
医師、ナチュラルパス、外科医? 等?

スカイ: あらゆる種類の医療専門家です。

Q: ああ、わかりました、ありがとうございます。 

スカイ: Nesara gesara が資金です。

Q: これらの病床が行く施設、
これらは VAX を推進または強制しているのと同じ場所ですか? 

スカイ: 彼らはまず現在の医療システムから離れた専門の治癒センターに設立されています。 

Q: 軍が運営する診療所になると思います。

スカイ: 診療所は軍の医療部門と慈悲深い地球外生命体と、

Q: これまで読んだところによると、ベッドにはさまざまな種類があり、

スカイ: 医療に関する知識がなければ、医療技術を運用することはできません。 
初期の応急処置を知っておく必要があり、特に待合室でその患者を治療し、扱う方法を知る必要があるとします。 など。
ベッドの使用について話している多くの人は、その医療技術を理解しておらず、ボタンを 1 つ押すだけだと考えています。 

Q: これらのベッドはどれくらい空きますか? 
すぐに買えるでしょうか? また、価格帯はどれくらいになるでしょうか? ありがとう。 

Skye: いいえ、最初のロールアウト後はしばらく購入できません。 

Q: こんにちは! 私の質問: 
ベッドの運用やカウンセリング、アフターケアにはどのような教育・研修が必要ですか? ありがとう。

スカイ: あなたが何をしてきたかに応じて、最善のものを使用するときは、

Q: 人類を癒すためにはなぜそんなに高価なのでしょうか? 

スカイ: 使用料はかかりません。

Q: 最も重篤な末期患者から、歩くことも手足を使うこともできない障害者まで、

スカイ: ワクチン接種を受けていない人は、ワクチン接種を受けた人よりも優先されます。

Q: ワクチン接種者は病床での治療に「値しない」と言うのは個人的に判断力がありすぎると思います。 

スカイ: ワクチン接種者には治療を受ける価値がないということについて誰が言いましたか? 
それはまったく判断力のあるものではありません。 人々はリスクを承知でそれを選択しました。

Q: あなたは大丈夫だと思いますが、ほとんどの人は恐怖からそうしたのです。

スカイ:その通りです。 批判的でも冷酷でもない。 

Q: 忘れ去られているホームレスやPTSDを抱える退役軍人にどうやって情報を届ければよいでしょうか。 

スカイ: これらの人々のもとへ向かう人道支援チームが存在します。誰も取り残されません。

Q: 繰り返しになりますが、それらの決定は私次第ではありません。 

スカイ: もちろんですが、彼らはワクチン接種を受けた他の人々と同じようにトリアージされます。

Q: Nesara/Gesara では、現在私たちが見ているものはそれほど多くないことも認識する必要があります。 
多くの RV グループで達人から言われたように、手助けリストに載っていた/持っていたもののいくつかは、もう存在しなくなるでしょう。 

スカイ: その通りです

Q: 本日はご協力いただきありがとうございます。 
米国だけでも 3 億人がいることから、このテクノロジーに対する大きな需要があります。 

スカイ: 天の部屋については私の部門ではないのでお答えできません。 

Q: もちろんです。 悪気はないつもりだった。 
ワクチンに反対する大量の証拠はありませんでした。 多くの人が亡くなりました。 
多くの人は家族のことを心配していました。 多くの人はひどい仕事とひどい時間を働き、
さて、これでお辞儀をします。 私は看護実践者として看護師を擁護することに情熱を持っています。 


Q: ベッドが大量生産されて、すぐに入手できるようになってほしいと思います。

スカイ: 高度な ET テクノロジーを使用して複製されています。 

Q: スカイさん、ありがとう。

スカイ: 公開されるまで、私たちにできることはあまりありません。

Q: 私が読んでいる内容からすると、スカイさん、ワクチン接種者に対して「批判的」であるわけではありませんね。 
Vaxxersができないと言っているのではなく、条件の優先順位です。 あれは正しいですか?

スカイ: それは全くその通りです。

Q: わかりました、ありがとうございます。 

スカイ: よくわかりませんが、ジャレッド・ランドがたくさんの情報を持っていると思います。

Q: ベッドの上にいるのにどのくらいの時間がかかりますか、

スカイ: つまり、基本的には、何をしたかに応じて、手順は数分から約 15 時間かかります。 

あなたの治療。 治療が完了すると、回復エリアに移動され、

Q: 最近目が覚めたようですが、(私のように) 何十年もデータを研究してきた人もいます。 
多くの国では、第一線の対応者の 50% 以上がジャブを受けることを選択しませんでした。
私たちの中には、動けなくなったり、ptsd など、重大な健康上の問題を抱えながらも、

スカイ: 正解です

Q: 見逃したかもしれませんが、メッドベッドは手足や臓器を交換/成長させることができるものですか?

スカイ: はい

Q:素晴らしいですね! そして、それらは無料で一般に公開されるので、

スカイ: 人道的プロジェクトにはそれらが含まれる場合もありますが、すべてではありません。


June 10th 2021

Q: In one of your videos you mentioned that med beds would be ineffective for people who have had the vaccine. Are you still of that opinion?

Skye: There are many different opinions regarding this issue. I was originally informed that med beds could not reverse the damaged caused by the vaxs, that the beds could only assist with the effects of the damage. Since that video I’ve since had discussions that the beds can in fact reverse the damage caused by the vaxs, However those who have been vaxxed will NOT be a priority to those who have natural injuries, illnesses or disease as they chose to be injected with ample information about potential dangers with the vax and still made the choice

Q: Any of us would like to purchase this technology to heal people in our local communities. First what kind of training does it take to operate a med bed and do you know anything about availability in the near future?

Skye: First up what people need to understand is med beds are extremely advanced medical technology. At first med beds will only be available to specific healing centres and not available to purchase for your own clinic or home. Like all advanced medical technology there is quite a bit of training needed to safely use it including a substantial amount of knowledge regarding biological, medical, disease, etc. For someone with no medical training your looking at at least 12 to 18 months of training. When they are first rolled out, it will be used only by professional medical staff trained by the military personnel.

Q: Thank you Skye. There are going to be a lot of us wanting to purchase them and as you said they are not for home but at a healing centre. How are we able to get a hold of them or be able to visit them. There are a lot of people with serious illnesses here and I’m included as I have two brain tumours. What are the chances of people like me being cured Skye?

Skye: You will not be able to purchase one for quite some time as they will be used on a triage basis, so the real sick take priority. When they are made public, each country will have a central center where you book an appointment for the consultation which will involve a medical history, full body exam, etc

then your information will be entered into a quantum computer in which the computer will decide based on urgency and what you are having done as to when you use the bed in a center nearest you.

Q: I know someone who is working with Simon Parkes and they are bringing the first med beds out in July/August in California and Florida. Have you heard this?

Skye: Yes every country is in the process of having them installed.

Q: What type of Medical personnel are required? MD, Natural Path, Surgeon? Etc?

Skye: Any type of medical professional.

Q: Ah ok thank you. So do you know of any way to fund them with no involvement or is that covered already.

Skye: Nesara gesara is the funding.

Q: The facilities these beds are going to, what is being done about the administration of the facilities that if this is an existing hospital, will not manipulate the medbeds for those who are rich. My concern is the majority of hospitals are run by bean counters who only care about the bottom line and not about the individuals who are ill. Those who need it often the most are turned away from lack of funds? Are these the same places that have been pushing or forcing the VAX? It will be hard to trust these places to do the right thing. I think this is pretty much why so many of us want to get facilities made for lack of trust on what to believe from Doctors and Hospitals.

Skye: They are being set up in specialised healing centres first away from the current health care system. When the med beds and other advahealing tech is disclosed hospitals, big pharma, etc will be phased out.

Q: I think it would be a clinic run by the military.

Skye: The clinic will be run by the militaries medical departments alongside benevolent extraterrestrial beings and those who will be using the beds as practitioners have already and will be chosen by these beings. Later down the track, there will be courses and job openings.

Q: From, what I’ve been reading, it seems like there are different types of beds and some need more advanced training and some don’t? I’ve read and have been told that it’s not required to have a medical person run it…(perhaps have a person like a medical director available at all times to monitor for emergencies.). Are you referring to a particular type of med bed or all med beds?

Skye: A person cannot operate medical technology without knowledge of medical stuff. See the issue is, say you have a patient come in that is in heart failure or has severe injuries from a car accident, you need to know initial first aid, you need to know how to treat and handle that patient especially in the waiting area, etc. What if someone as your sedating them goes into cardiac arrest, etc. You need to know how to read certain anomalies the bed is picking up. Many people talking about using the beds don’t understand its MEDICAL technology and they think all they have to do is push a single button. Its not like that at all.

Q: How available will these beds be? Will we be able to buy some right away? Also what would be the price range? Thank you. <3

Skye: No, they will not be able to be purchased for some time after the initial roll out. As for cost, there is no word on that

Q: Good day! My questions: Who will operate these beds? What role, if any, will current allopathic physicians and nurses play? What type of education/training is needed to operate the beds and the counseling and post-care? Thank you.

Skye: There will definitely be pre and post counselling when using the best depending on what you are having done

Q: Why are they so expensive when they are to heal humanity? These people who seriously need it , like myself, can’t afford to be healed.

Skye: They will cost nothing to use.

Q: I hope it’s the unvaccinated from Covid first from the most serious first with terminal patients to disabled people that can’t walk or use there limbs first. God I hope they are available soon.

Skye: Unvaccinated will take priority over vaccinated.

Q: I personally find it too judge mental to say the vaccinated don’’t “deserve” treatment in the med beds!! Shame on you all who claim to be humanitarians! I will stand up right here and admit that I work currently in allopathic medicine. We were in the thick of the infections, with people dying. I read the research released by our national leadership, and the (evidently)faked research looked great, so, for my own and my family’s protection, I took the vaccine quite early in the rollout, as it was offered in my own turn. Again, perhaps you should search your hearts. So far, I am blessed to say I cannot tell that I have any bad effects; nor have I contracted COVID. However, I think you owe others and myself an apology.

Skye: Who said anything about the vaccinated not deserving treatment? If people who has suffered side effects from willingly injected poison into their bodies when tons of information has been available regarding potential dangers for some time, that unfortunately is not good. However those who were born with severe illnesses, disease , etc did not willingly do it to themselves. Its not judgemental at all. People chose it knowing the risks.

Q: I believe you are good but most did it out of fear, I have a brother and sister who took it and if I had a medbed I would offer it to those who had real injuries because neither did anything but fall for the fear.

Skye: Exactly. Its not judgemental or cold hearted. People make choices all the time and we have to live with the consequences of our choices at least until we have the opportunity to make it right.

Q: How do we get it to the homeless who are forgetten, and the veterans with PTSD. these people will not go to these exams they know they can’t afford them and probably don’t listen to TV.

Skye: There will be humanitarian teams who will go to these people, no one is left behind.

Q: Again, I realize those decisions are not up to me. And, so far, I do not seem to be vaccine-injured. But surely health care workers who were on the front lines of this attack who are injured should be given consideration!

Skye: Of course but they will be triaged the same as everyone else who was vaccinated.

Q: You will also need to realize, with Nesara/Gesara there won’t be a lot of what we see now. There won’t be homeless, panhandlers, poverty and suffering, starvation. EVERYTHING will be changing. Like we were told in many RV groups by gurus, some things we have/had on our lists to help with, will no longer exist. The Whales, New Governments, etc., will be stepping in to aid in a LOT of this.

Skye: Exactly

Q: Thank you for your time helping us today. Many of us in this group want to have humanitarian projects that are in and the med bed/healing space. What about the celestial chambers will we be able to purchase those and install them? With 300 million people in the US alone there is a large demand for this technology. How can we be a part of it?

Skye: I cannot answer about the celestial chambers as they are not my department. When they are made public all you can do is put forward your application then go from there.

Q: Of course. I meant no offense. Earlier in this conversation I caught a bit of an attitude from one of the writers about those who were stupid enough to be vaccinated. It probably wasn’t intended at all. And, excuse me, but as early as February there was NOT tons of evidence against the vaccine, especially if you were a nurse on the front lines. Many died. Many were afraid for their families. Many worked horrific jobs and horrific hours and had not time to sort out that information and follow the alternative news. I just don’t think this is a time for judgement, and we need to love each other and work together. Skye, I appreciate all of your excellent information and you sharing it with us. I, as a healer, love that people really will be healed! But we won’t be treating addicts judgementally; or others who have made poor judgements in their lives. So I just don’t think we should make those judgements against the vaccinated. Now, I will bow out of this. I am passionate as a nurse practitioner when I advocate for nurses!!! They ARE and WERE our front-line workers!!!

Skye: I’m a nurse too! Its not myself who is deciding to place the severe of the unvaccinated before the severe of the vaccinated. This decision has come from the galactics and their decisions been based upon soul contracts, karma and awakening in each soul.

Q: I hope they are mass producing the beds so they will be readily available to us.
Skye: They are being replicated using advanced et technology. They can make i believe something like

1,000 per day.

Q: Thank you Skye, we are all so excited about this new technology and how we can help it become available to the world!

Skye: Until they are released publicly, there is not much we can do.

Q: From what I am reading, Skye, it isn’t being ‘judgemental’ against vaxxers, correct. It’s who has the greatest need. If a vaxxer is needing a bed because they got vaxxed, but there are Cancer patients, of course the Cancer patients are top priority, correct? It’s not saying Vaxxers can’t, it’s priority of conditions. Is that correct?

Skye: That is absolutely correct.

Q: OK thank you. Do you know what those celestial chambers do or how we can find out more about them?

Skye: Not sure but I believe jared rand has plenty of information.

Q: Can you please tell us a bit about the procedure, like how long it takes to be on the bed and if the healing effects are immediate or the person’s health gets better over time as it is kind of a reactivation of their health?

Skye: So basically procedures last anywhere between a few minutes to about 15 hours depending on what your having done. So you ring your national centre and they will set up the initial consultation

with your nearest center, when you get to the consultation they will go through medical history, you will have a full body scan usually wearing a type of hospital gown that only last a few minutes, then they will discuss the findings of the scan and then your details and results and what you want done will all be entered in the computer. Then the computer will decide on where you will be placed on the list and you will be notified of your treatment date, time and place.

On the day of your treatment, when you arrive you’ll be asked to change into a gown and given a light sedative then when you get on the bed, a sleeping gas will be released and this gas will keep you asleep for the duration of your treatment. When the treatment is complete you will be moved to the recovery area and seen by medical professionals and counsellors depending on what type of procedyou had.

Q: I realize that you are recently awake however, there are some (like myself) who have researched data for decades. There was plenty of information out there, people weren’t interested or simply trusting their government. There are over 50% of first line responders in many countries who never chose to get the jab.

There are many of us who have significant health challenges- immobility – ptsd – you name it, who still chose not to take anything to make ourselves sicker. That’s who I believe that Skye is referring to.

Skye: Correct

Q: I may have missed this, but are the Med Beds the ones that can replace/grow limbs and organs?

Skye: Yes

Q: Wonderful! And you stated that they will be free to the public so no need for us to include them in our humanitarian projects?

Skye: Some humanitarian projects will include them but not all.