Med Bed

205カ国向けの医療ベッド (Julian Assange 20240924 )






病気がもはや死刑宣告ではなくなり、現代医学の時代遅れで有害な慣行が一夜にして一掃される未来を想像してみてください。NESARA と GESARA は、テスラ コイル、反重力装置、そして最も重要な部分である Med Beds でこの革命の先頭に立っています。これらは単なるベッドではありません。治癒、若返り、さらには DNA 修復までも提供する、飛躍的な進歩です。



Med Beds には主に 3 つのタイプがあります。

診断および治療ベッド: 数秒で体をスキャンし、病気を特定して即座に治療します。検査や効果のない治療を待つ必要はもうありません。

再生ベッド: 失われた手足を再生し、組織を再生し、最適な健康状態を回復します。

若返りベッド: 年齢の逆転と記憶の浄化を体験し、長年の欺瞞から心と体を取り戻します。

秘密宇宙プログラムによって隠されていたこのエイリアンの技術がついに公開されました。205 か国の人々が真の治癒を体験する時が来ました。世界のエリートでもこれを止めることはできません。Med Beds はヘルスケアの未来であり、その未来は彼らが信じたいよりも早く到来しています。



Med Beds for 205 Countries: Intergalactic Alliance, The White Hats, NESARA and GESARA Announce the Impending Release of Revolutionary Med Beds

In a groundbreaking move, the Intergalactic Alliance of Beings of Light and THE WHITE HATS are preparing to unveil technology that will redefine global healthcare. Holographic Medical Beds are coming, and they will shatter everything you thought you knew about medical science.

Imagine a future where disease is no longer a death sentence, and the outdated, toxic practices of modern medicine are wiped out overnight. NESARA and GESARA are spearheading this revolution with Tesla Coils, anti-gravity devices, and the most critical piece—the Med Beds. These aren’t just beds; they’re a quantum leap forward, offering healing, rejuvenation, and even DNA repair.

The Deep State wants you to believe this is fantasy. They’ve hidden these technologies for years, showcasing them in Hollywood movies to mock us while keeping them locked away. But the veil is lifting. What’s been concealed is about to explode into the public eye, and there’s nothing they can do to stop it. The Holographic Medical Beds will liberate humanity from their medical slavery.

These beds will rebuild your cells, regenerate organs, and even erase the trauma they’ve inflicted on you. We’re not talking about temporary fixes; this is a permanent revolution. The Deep State has long controlled the healthcare system to keep you weak, dependent, and sick. That ends now.

Three key types of Med Beds are coming:

The Diagnostic and Treatment Bed: It will scan your body in seconds, identify diseases, and treat them instantly. No more waiting for tests or ineffective treatments.

The Regeneration Bed: It will grow back missing limbs, regenerate tissues, and restore you to optimal health.

The Rejuvenation Bed: Experience age reversal and memory cleansing—allowing you to reclaim your mind and body from years of deception.

This alien technology, hidden by the Secret Space Programs, is finally being released. It’s time for the people of 205 countries to experience true healing. The global elite can’t stop this. The Med Beds are the future of healthcare, and that future is arriving faster than they want you to believe.

We are standing on the edge of a paradigm shift that will expose the truth. This is just the beginning.

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