
メドベッド20211031 テレグラム Q&A 20210710



Q: 後で後悔することなく、メディカルベッドで元の性別に戻すことはできますか? 

スカイ: そうだと思います。


Q: スカイさんは多くのシリウス人とコンタクトをとっているのかと思ったのですが? 

スカイ: いいえ、シリウス人とはあまりコンタクトしたことがありません。 主に金星人。


Q: 退行する可能性がある最低年齢は何歳ですか?

スカイ: それは各人の人生と年齢退行を望む理由によって異なります。 それケースバイケースのシナリオになります。

Q: 固定された質問には 30 年と書かれています。 それは何ですか?

Skye: 退行できる最大年数は 30 年ですが、これもケースバイケースのシナリオに基づいています。

Q: スカイさん、もしよろしければ、メディカルベッドを使用するために訓練する必要がある人のリストを教えていただけますか。 

スカイ: 典型的な大規模なヒーリングセンターのアイデアをもらいました。
6 つの手術室と 7 つの医療ベッド、うち 2 つは xxl が必要で、これは魂の転移用です。 
前処置室と回復室が必要です。 どちらも30個くらいそれぞれベッド。 夜間病棟もあり、各部屋に 4 台ほどのベッドが 27 部屋ほどあります。 
また、約 15 ~ 20 人のカウンセラーとその他の総合的なスタッフも必要になります。 

Q: 私が10代の頃に通った高校は、まさにそのような場所に変えられると思います。
私はすでにそれを経験しています。 破壊行為があるのでかなりの労力が必要ですが、うまくいくと思います。 

スカイ: それは実行可能ですが、無限の現金を持っていない限り、一人で行うことはできません。 頑張ってね🙏


Q: 彼らが私たちに明確な方向性を与えてくれることを祈ります。 
私たちの歩みを導く強力な内なる知識。 それはいいね。

スカイ: 彼らはすでにそうしていますが、多くの人は彼らが受け取ったものを信頼していないので、無視してください。

Q: 私の理解では、すべての SF 映画などはテクノロジー、船、スターゲートの点滴フィードです。

スカイ: 映画は単に現実を視覚的に投影したものです。 ムービーが公開されています。


July 10th 2021

Q: Can the med beds switch them back to their original gender for no regrets afterwards? Skye: I believe so.

July 11th 2021

Q: I was wondering Skye if you’ve been in contact with many Sirians? I was married here to a Pleiadian and it took us forever to find each other.

Skye: No I haven’t had much contact with Sirians. Mainly venusians.

July 13th 2021

Q: What is the lowest age to which one can regress?
Skye: That would depend on each person’s individual life and reasons for wanting age regression. It

would be on a case by case scenario.
Q: It says 30 years in the pinned questions. What is it?

Skye: The maximum number of years one can be regressed is 30 years, but again it is based on a case by case scenario.

Q: Skye if you will or can, can you please give me a list of those that you need to train for use of the med beds. Like how many doctors psychologist nursing staff et cetera. I hope very shortly to be setting up some centres and would like to get a jump start on what is needed in the way of stuff. The number of units a person would need such as bedrooms, Consulting rooms and examining rooms for clients cetera.

Skye: I was given an idea for a typical large healing centre.

6 operating type rooms and 7 med beds, 2 in one of the rooms that would need to be xxl, this would be for soul transfers. There needs to be a pre procedure room and a recovery room. Both with about 30

beds each. Also an overnight ward with about 27 rooms, each with 4 or so beds. There would also need to be approximately 15 to 20 counsellors plus any other holistic staff. You also need support staff like receptionists, cafeteria staff, cleaners, laundry staff, wardsmen, etc. Then come the doctors and technicians who will be operating the beds then the many nurses for pre and post care. It’s an enormous task which is why for quite some time, med beds will be controlled by the military and alliance.

Q: I believe the high school I went to as a teen could be converted into just such a place, I’ve already went through, it. It needs a lot of work because of vandals but I think it would work out. I’m a psychologist and as I proceed with plans I write down the names of doctors and nurses Etc that I think might work real well for just this project. Thank you so much for the specifics as I want to be able to present them. Even if it’s run by the alliance/military that’s not a problem I just want to make room for it and hope we can get one going. Thank you so much, it’s beyond words how much hope you have given me. Sirians, at least this one doen’t give up easley and I have my Plesdian now on the other side to help me. We were made for hard work and continue to do so.

Skye: It is doable but you cannot do it alone unless you have an endless supply of cash. Good luck to you.🙏

July 14th 2021

Q: I pray they can give us some clear direction. A strong inner knowing to help guide our steps. That would be nice.

Skye: They already do, but many people don’t trust what they receive so ignore it.

Q: As I understand all the sci fi films and alike are drip feeds for the technologies and ships and star gates.

Skye: Movies are simply visual projections of reality. Movies are disclosed.