
メドベッド20211031 テレグラム Q&A 20210613




Q: スカイ 年齢が退行すると 21 歳に戻ることができ、どの年齢を選んでも 1,000 年間その年齢に留まると言われました。 

スカイ: それは正確ではありません。

Q: スカイさん、メディカルベッドは肉体的な問題だけを解決するようですが、

スカイ: その通りです。

Q: また、金星の地下には誰もが住んでいるとおっしゃっていましたが、火星と月も同じだと思います。 
そして、地表での生活は老化のプロセスを早めるのでしょうか? もしそうなら、なぜですか?

スカイ: 老化のプロセスは地上でも地下でも同じです。 
彼らが地下に住む理由は環境が安定しているからです。 天気、地震、火山などに対処する必要はありません。

Q: 金星にいつ行きましたか?どうやってそこに行きましたか?

スカイ: 私は過去 11 年間、知識に基づいて金星に行ってきました。 でも確かに行ってきました

スカイ: 医療用ベッドはあなたの波動に基づいています。 

Q: 金星の興味は何ですか? なぜ人間はそこに、さらに言えば火星に行きたいのでしょうか? 

スカイ: どうして?

Q:本当にそうですね!! 何の期待も持たずにただ渡したとしても、それほど感謝されることはありません。


Q:その通りです。 アセンションと同じように、好むと好まざるにかかわらず、あなたは努力し、シャドウワークを行う必要があります。 

スカイ: 正解です

June 13th 2021

Q: Skye I was told that when you age regress you can go back to age 21 and whatever age you pick you stay at that age for 1,000 years. Based on what you have said that is not accurate?

Skye: That is not accurate.

Q: Skye it also seems that the med bed will fix only physical things but the emotional and mental issues each person needs to work on those themselves? Obviously working on those issues is what makes one ascend as you overcome them you rise in vibration. Probably having a machine to that would hinder the ascension-process for the person?

Skye: You are correct.

Q: Also, you mentioned everyone lives underground in Venus and I know Mars and the moon are the same. Does living underground of the planet slow down the aging process? And does living on the surface speed up the aging process? If so why?

Skye: The aging process is the same whether on the surface or underground. The reason why they live underground is because the environment is stable. You don’t have the weather, earthquakes, volcanoes etc to deal with.

Q: When did you go to Venus and how did you get there?
Skye: I’ve been going to venus from my knowledge for the past 11 years. But I’ve definitely been going

since I was born, especially since I’m a Venusian hybrid.

They generally pick me up out of my bed at night and when they return me its always the same night as they took me.

Skye: The med beds are based on your vibration. If you are not willing to heal the mental or emotional pain, the healing of the physical body will be pointless as the mind still wants to be in pain. The computer is unbiased and removes all emotions and feelings and potential aggressive people wanting to push in and use it first. It is done this way, so people need to improve their mental state and believe it or not that’s exactly what humans are here for. To learn to deal with life’s challenges.

Q: What is the interest in Venus? Why would humans want to go there or Mars for that matter ? Skye: Why not?

Q: So very true!! If it is just handed to people with no expectations they won’t appreciate it near as much.

Skye: Exactly. I think so many people are stuck on the idea that once you use a med bed, all your problems will disappear, this is not true. Med beds while incredible pieces of technology open up a

whole other set of issues. Its not just an overnight healing, there is so much more involved than just lying on a bed a few minutes.

Q: Exactly. Like ascension, you have to put in the work, and do the Shadow work whether you like it or not. Otherwise you just stay, stuck.

Skye: Correct